Juan D. Latorre
On the occasion of the inauguration of the Polish presidency of the Council of the European Union, the Polish Embassy and the Instituto Polaco de Cultura invited last Tuesday to an extraordinary concert at the Casino de Madrid.
The pianist Leszek Możdżer, accompanied by his Swedish musical partner, Lars Danielsson on cello, made the guests enjoy a jazz concert full of quality and improvisation.
The Business Manager of the Embassy of Poland, Monika Krzepkowska, and the director of the Instituto Polaco de Cultura, Maria Ślebioda, presented the event. The first of these highlighted “the values promoted by the Polish Presidency: freedom, democracy and solidarity, based on the strength of our tradition and historical heritage. These values reinforce the credibility and responsibility of our country in the EU and on the international scene”.
“As part of the EU Council Presidency, continued Monika Krzepkowska, we are building up Poland’s image as a country where solidarity has brought freedom, provided a sense of security and allowed us to build a true community. We thank Spain for its support in promoting these universal values. However, today the priority can only be one: (the) Security (of) Europe!”
The director of the Instituto Polaco de Cultura said that “it is not by chance that we have chosen a jazz project for the symbolic inauguration of the Polish EU Presidency in Spain. Jazz is a symbol of freedom and going beyond the established. Indeed, during the communist era, it was the language of the opposition, a critique of the system and a voice for democracy”.