Tomorrow, Wednesday at 7 p.m., a round table will be held at the Instituto Francés in Madrid, with the collaboration of Laplace, eminent French and Spanish experts, who will discuss opportunities and major technological challenges, Artificial Intelligence, while addressing the key issue of their regulation. Free event with prior reservation at this link.
With the upcoming AI World Summit in France in February 2025, the adoption by the European Union of the first Artificial Intelligence law in the world, and the creation, in Spain, of the European Agency for the Supervision of AI (AESIA), Artificial Intelligence is more than ever at the center of public debate.
As a major challenge to the sovereignty of nations, governments have embarked on a frantic race to be at the forefront of scientific research and innovation in order to exploit the potential of this technology. Meanwhile, ethical concerns related to AI and its exponential growth have generated an urgent demand for regulation of its use. How to achieve a balance between the technological conquest driven by governments and the application of a regulatory framework, essential to ensure the protection of individual rights as well as the safe, ethical and socially responsible development of AI?
These topics will be discussed in a round table discussion with Isabelle Ryl (pictured), expert on Innovation and Artificial Intelligence, director of the paris Artificial Intelligence Research InstituteE and member of the French Committee for Generative Artificial Intelligence; María Amparo Alonso Betanzos, Professor of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at the University of A Coruña, corresponding scholar at the Royal Spanish Academy of Exact Sciences, Natural, member of the Spanish Committee for Research Ethics and the Advisory Council on Artificial Intelligence; and Asunción Gómez-Pérez, Professor in Computer Sciences and Artificial Intelligence, Vice-Rector of Research, Innovation and PhD from the Polytechnic University of Madrid, and member of the Royal Spanish Academy.