Author: Leila Nachawati Rego.
Sarah’s life is spent in a painful wait after the disappearance of her daughter Sham’s father in Damascus. In 2014, from Madrid, she decided to write the story of what she experienced in 2011, the year in which Sham was conceived and the awakening of the citizens of the Middle East and North Africa took place.
Through the stories that Sarah recreates and reconstructs, the writer Leila Nachawati Rego shows in Cuando la revolución termine (When the Revolution Ends) the civil disobedience movement led by a generation of Syrian men and women, as it evolved from peaceful mobilisations throughout the country challenging a dictatorship that had lasted for decades to the repression and open war that Syria is experiencing today. There are years that are seen to pass by and only with time and perspective are they placed where they belong. One is not aware of the deep traces that time has left until it is assessed from a distance. But 2011 was not one of those years. In 2011, Syrians had the impression – nay, the certainty – that they were making history.
Pages: 432
Binding: Soft cover
ISBN: 9788495157942
RPP: 15,60 euros