Author: Francisco Javier Devia Aldunate.
Las Aventuras de Cristaldo en la Cancillería Imperial is a novel written by Francisco Javier Devia Aldunate, lawyer and Master in Political Science from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. He holds a Diploma in International Relations and Security from the National Academy of Political and Strategic Studies (ANEPE) and is a Career Diplomat. He has held positions in the Chilean Embassies in the Philippines, Tunisia, Peru, Croatia and as Alternate Representative in the Permanent Mission of Chile to the OAS. He is currently working as a diplomat at the Embassy of Chile in Spain.
Set in the 18th century, this novel, which takes place in a fictitious empire, narrates the vicissitudes of Cristaldo, a young man from a colony located in the far south of the world, who intends to enter the Diplomatic Academy of his Kingdom.
Cristaldo is a young colonist and half-caste, who dreams of entering the (fictitious) Imperial Chancery to serve his King faithfully, in the year of our Lord 1774. However, his desires will face veiled opposition from the diplomatic establishment, ever jealous of their tradition and heritage, who do not view the arrival of this upstart or “equal” with sympathy. Despite this, Cristaldo does not give up and begins his adventure, with his ideals and values as his insignia, in a century marked by contradictions, in the midst of the questioning of monarchical absolutism by the Enlightenment and its revolutionary ideas for the time. These are difficult times, but Cristaldo, thanks to his relaxed and jovial character, tries to overcome – with a peculiar style – the various setbacks that arise, giving the reader humorous and amusing anecdotes.
The purpose of this book is very simple: to try to entertain, since the news reported by the media these days, both nationally and internationally, is not very cheerful. There is an urgent need to recover joy and a sense of humour, because life is – in itself – difficult. The book will soon be relaunched by the Fundación Las Rosas for the Care of the Elderly. Copies can be ordered at La Casa del Libro and also on Amazon.
Publisher: EDP SUD
Binding: eBook
ISBN: 9789566230021
RPP: 4,74 euros