Author: Javier Rupérez.
This evening at 7 p.m. at the Real Academia de Ciencias Morales y Políticas de Madrid (Plaza de la Villa, 3), the presentation of the book De Helsinki a Kiev. La destrucción del orden internacional (From Helsinki to Kiev. The destruction of the international order), by Ambassador Javier Rupérez, under the presidency of Benigno Pendás García, President of the Royal Academy.
Emilio Lamo Michels de Champourcin, José Luis García Delgado and Basilio Rodríguez Cañada will speak at the event.
Javier Rupérez Rubio (Madrid, 1941), who will also take part in the event, has been Spain’s ambassador to the United States, to NATO and to the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe. He was Under-Secretary-General of the UN and Executive Director of the Security Council’s Counter-Terrorism Committee. Successively representing the UCD, the PDP and the PP, he has been Senator for Castilla-La Mancha and Member of Parliament for Cuenca, Madrid and Ciudad Real. He chaired the Foreign Affairs and Defence Committees of the Congress of Deputies, the Christian Democrat International and the Parliamentary Assemblies of NATO and the OSCE.
The survivor that I am and for which I am indebted to history notes, with immense irritation, not absent of anger and certainly full of the darkest omens, that the elaborate and progressive world we had been working on since the end of the Second World War, which despite the negative analyses of the doomsayers, had managed to “go global”, had managed to “globalise”, which, despite the negative analyses of the doomsayers, had become “globalised”, and which, despite the negative analyses of the doomsayers, had become “globalised”, had managed to “globalise”, that it was basically guided by universally applicable rules and principles, that it had succeeded in establishing a system of international justice capable of enforcing the laws between states and between states and individuals, is today in irremediable danger of extinction. The person responsible for this catastrophe has a name: Vladimir Putin. And a country, of which he is the leader: the Russian Federation. The following pages, a reminder, a premonition and a survivor’s hope, retrace the costly path to perfection, the criminality of those who now question it and the possible ways to return to reason. And to peace. So that we may never forget those who preceded us in war and peace and make our own the words they always had as a maxim of inspiration and conduct: Never again”, comments the author of the book.