The Diplomat
The editor-in-chief of Onda Cero Radio’s Economy and specialist in macroeconomics, Ignacio Rodríguez Burgos, starred yesterday, Thursday, in the sixth Tertulia of The Diplomat in 2022, entitled “Presupuestos Generales del Estado: ¿contención pública o ayudas sociales?”, which was attended by some twenty foreign ambassadors and diplomats.
During the informal talk, held at the Hotel Meliá Madrid Serrano, behind closed doors and under strict confidentiality, Rodríguez Burgos explained to the attendees the keys to the General State Budget, the negotiation of which was completed this week within the Government and which will now have to begin its parliamentary process
The Diplomat’s Tertulias have been held since 2016 with the aim of giving foreign diplomats in Spain access to first-hand information on Spanish politics, economy and society.