Until the next 9 of February, Casa Árabe de Madrid and the Fundación Descubre present the exhibition Paseo Matemático al-Ándalus. Sense, mathematics and Andalusian art in monuments, new way of looking at the Andalusian heritage, introducing itself into mathematics through the history and art of the time.
The exhibition aims to tour the monumental centers of the provinces of Granada, Cordoba and Seville to enjoy a different view of their Andalusian heritage, integrating science, art and history, with the help of technological tools (Geogrebra, 3-D Printing, immersive reality or augmented reality).
Tariq did not know, when crossing the Strait of Gibraltar, the repercussions that would have that fact for the West. And that the eight centuries of Islamic rule that followed, made the Iberian Peninsula an anomaly in the European context, in which the Roman, Byzantine and Persian posos dragged by the conquerors joined, with great personality, The rich indigenous tradition. It illuminated some of the most important works in the history of universal art, such as the great Mosque of Cordoba, the rutilante palatine city of the Alhambra of Granada or the imposing minaret of the Almohad Seville, magnificent examples of the particular symbolic universe, formal and constructive of al-Andalus.
But in the great compositional solutions conferred to its spaces, arches and vaults and in the colorful, rich and complex ornamentation of its tiles and stuccos is also perceived the imprint of the deepest scientific and mathematical tradition of the Mediterranean and East.
The intention of this exhibition is to show the results of a study, the most extensive so far, of mathematics present in monumental art Andalusian, with an interdisciplinary journey, turning them into a look that throws light on historical interpretationartistic and clarifies the sense of constructions and decorations. To do this, the exhibition also draws on contemporary technologies such as 3D modelling and manufacturing, mosaic software generation, photogrammetry or augmented reality.