For the second consecutive year and until 30 October, Casa Árabe is holding the second edition of the Premio Amistad (Friendship), which aims to recognize the work of individuals or entities that have promoted the dissemination of the Arabic language, innovation in it, to disseminate it or extend it to other activities that enhance its uniqueness, its heritage in the Spanish language and its vitality today.
Arabic is an increasingly present language in the scientific, cultural and economic landscape. Spain is a good example of this, with a great linguistic influence of Arabic in Spanish and a growing community of Arabic speakers.
The deadline for applications is 30 October, and the jury will be composed of the Director General of Casa Árabe, as president, and five experts in the fields of culture, language, education, Economics, international relations or communication.
The recipient of the prize will receive, in addition to the prestigious distinction, a sculpture by the distinguished artist Rachid Koraïchi, which will be presented at a special ceremony organized by Casa Árabe. The invitation to the recipient to attend the ceremony, which may take place at either of the two venues of Casa Árabe, will also be financed.
The prize and application form can be found on the website of Casa Árabe.