On Wednesday 18 and 25 September and 9 and 30 October, at 9.30 pm, the Teatro del Barrio de Madrid (calle Zurita, 20) presents the work Autorretrato de un joven capitalista español (Self-portrait of a young Spanish capitalist), interpreted and directed by the actor Alberto San Juan, a monologue in which he talks about his life to talk about life in his country, from the year of his birth, 1968, until today.
The actor says, “I have my money in one of the most important banks in this country, which is a bank that speculates on food. Other activities, among others. A few weeks ago we were having dinner with a group of friends and spent the evening talking about the injustices that are happening. When they brought the bill, each took out his card from some of the most important banks in this country, which are banks that speculate with food, throw people out of their homes or trade with prohibited weapons. (…) I know that I live in a society that is unjust to the point of cruelty. And I want it to change. But I don’t know if I’m willing to risk losing everything I have in the attempt. I want to keep my fame, my business quote, my property. I’m serious. I’m a young Spanish capitalist”. Tickets can be purchased at this link.