The Hispano-Polish Cultural Association FORUM, in collaboration with the Polish Embassy and the Instituto Polaco de Cultura, invites you to an evening dedicated to the poet Wisława Szymborska.
This event, which is organised on the occasion of the centenary of her birth, will be held tomorrow at 19:00 in the Espacio Cultural O Lumen (141 Claudio Cuello Street). The programme will be followed by a glass of wine.
Wislawa Szymborska (Kórnik, Poznan, 1923 – Kraków, 2012) was a Polish poet, considered one of the most unique poets of her country, who received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1996. The daughter of a civil servant, she moved with her family to Kraków in 1931, where she settled permanently. After the Second World War, she studied philology and sociology at the Jagiellonian University, after which she began her literary career, devoted mainly to poetry, but also to criticism and essays in various periodicals, particularly Vida Literaria.
It was with Call to the Yeti (1957) that he definitively broke with the precepts of the Stalinist regime, in a settling of accounts with his previous attitude and also with that of official society. From that year onwards, in Poland, as in other countries, a strong movement of rejection of Soviet imposition and communist doctrinarism began in the form of nationalist rebellion. Szymborska opted for philosophical and ethical reflection, distancing herself from concrete debates and always tinging her poetic enquiries into the individual human spirit with her own peculiar humour.