Organised by the Fundación Alternativas and the General Secretariat for Defence Policy of the Spanish Ministry of Defence, the 2023 Report “El aumento del presupuesto de defensa en España. Development and perspectives in the framework of the EU and NATO”, by Fundación Alternativas.
This report aims to provide an answer to the material needs to bring Spain up to its European and Atlantic commitments in the field of Defence, according to the programmes underway and the commitments acquired, and the new geopolitical scenario at this crucial moment.
At this event, experts, the media and citizens will discuss a coherent, long-term strategy for Spanish defence policy, pointing to the need for a State pact in this area.
Lieutenant General Francisco de Paula Bisbal, director of CESEDEN, will welcome the guests, and the report will be presented by Antonio Fonfría, its co-author and professor at the Complutense University of Madrid, and Diego López Garrido, Executive Vice-President of the Fundación Alternativas. The event will be moderated by Pilar Cuesta, ABC journalist specialising in Defence. At the end of the event there will be a Spanish wine.
To attend the event, registration is required at this link. It is also possible to follow the presentation on YouTube.