The presentation of the books Esto jamás podré contarlo, by Fernando López Rodríguez, and Los lugares verdes, by Luis Salvago, is the event which Casa Árabe is organising this evening at 7 p.m. on the occasion of LGTBI+ Pride Day 2023. Free entrance until full capacity is reached. The event will be held in Spanish.
The presentation will be attended by the two authors of these books on LGBT identities in the Arab and Muslim world.
Narrated from personal experience, Esto jamás podré contarlo (Egales) portrays how the population of the Persian Gulf faces some situations related to gender and sexuality issues: double lives, arranged marriages, flirting apps and ‘men only’ parties are interwoven in a diary that is both intimate and political. In this context, silence, fiction and even lies about private life are presented as survival strategies that force us to review the ontology of the wardrobe and the unquestionable value of truth.
Fernando López Rodríguez (Madrid, 1990) is a dancer, choreographer and dance researcher. He holds a PhD in Aesthetics, Sciences and Technologies of the Arts from the University Paris VIII, and has a double degree in Philosophy and Performing Arts. Luis Salvago (Valencia, 1964) is a non-commissioned officer in the Spanish Air Force and holds a degree in Geography and History from the University of Valencia.