These are the activities to be carried out by the Embassy of the Dominican Republic during the Madrid Book Fair 2023 until 11 June.
1 June: Pedro Salinas Library Assembly Hall (Glorieta de la Puerta de Toledo, 1), at 6pm, presentations of the book Yo decidí emigrar, by Gaby Guzmán; Hispanas influyentes II, edited by Yaneli Sosa, and the magazine Soy Caribe Premium, by Crismeidy Ureña.
3 June: at the Vallecas Miguel Hernández Public Library (Calle Rafael Alberti, 36), at 12 noon, the storytellers Las aventuras de Amina y Camu, by Yasmina Koury, and Dos casas, una isla, by Virginia Read Escobar and Taína Almodóvar.
5th June: Salón de Embajadores of Casa América, at 7pm, presentation of the book Voces de la diáspora dominicana en España II (Voices of the Dominican Diaspora in Spain II), edited and compiled by Ada Wiscovitch Carlo.