The Diplomat
The Council of Ministers yesterday approved the agreement by which the minutes of the XIII Meeting of the Spanish-Bolivian Joint Commission for Cooperation approving the Spain-Bolivia Country Partnership Framework 2022-2025.
The Country Partnership Frameworks (MAP, for its acronym in Spanish) are the strategic and geographic planning instruments of the Spanish Cooperation. Their main objective is to have a coherent, global and shared vision with the partner country on human development and the fight against poverty, supporting partner countries for their sustainable development within the framework of the 2030 Agenda.
The Spain-Bolivia MAP 2022-2025, which was approved by the meeting of the Joint Commission for Cooperation between the Kingdom of Spain and the Plurinational State of Bolivia, held on December 15, 2022, has as its framework the General Treaty of Cooperation and Friendship signed on March 16, 1998, the Basic Cooperation Agreement of July 3, 1971, the Cultural Agreement of June 9, 1968 and the Complementary Agreement on Technical Cooperation for the Development of a Comprehensive Cooperation Plan of May 13, 1986.
According to the Government, with the signing of this MAP, Spain and Bolivia are committed to the fulfillment of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the agendas derived from the SDGs and the Paris Agreement, which are of particular importance for both countries. In the case of the Spanish Cooperation, they are the basis on which the V Master Plan of the Spanish Cooperation is nurtured and aims at implementing the 2030 Agenda. Specifically, Spanish Cooperation is committed to contributing to the achievement of different Goals and Lines of Action of the SDGs in Bolivia, within the framework of the five dimensions of the 2030 Agenda: People, Prosperity, Planet, Partnerships and Peace.
The Spain-Bolivia Country Partnership Framework 2022-2025 concentrates Spanish Cooperation efforts around three main development outcomes: just ecological transition and equal access to the rights to water and sanitation, food and a clean, healthy and sustainable environment; social cohesion, with special attention to the rights to education and health and cultural rights; and democratic governance and gender, which implies access to justice and equality, protection of human rights and reduction of gender gaps.
In the last year of MAP execution, an external evaluation will be carried out, with a special focus on time and form for the preparation of the next MAP. This evaluation will focus on the analysis of the degree of achievement of the intermediate results of the Spanish Cooperation and on the examination of the internal and external aspects that have influenced the achievement or non-achievement of the MAP forecasts.
Regarding accountability, the reports will be presented in the annual Follow-up Committees with the Government of Bolivia and the Civil Society. The General Directorate of Sustainable Development Policies (DGPOLDES), AECID and the Spanish public entities will be responsible for the dissemination in Spain of the interventions and actions derived from the MAP. Complementarily, the different coordination mechanisms and spaces in which Spain participates together with other countries and international organizations will be used for accountability.