The family adventure comedy Momias (Mummies) is directed by Juan Jesús García Galocha, ‘Galo’, who makes his directorial debut after having worked as art director on films such as Tadeo Jones 2: The Secret of King Midas and the acclaimed animated short Cuerdas. The screenplay has been written by Jordi Gasull and Javier Barreira, winners of a Goya for best screenplay for The Adventures of Tadeo Jones.
This animated film tells the story of a city of mummies in the bowels of the earth. By imperial mandate, Princess Nefer must marry Thut, a former chariot charioteer. Neither wishes to marry; Nefer because she craves freedom, and Thut because he is allergic to marriage. But the gods’ designs are irrevocable: Thut must marry Nefer and guard the royal ring that the Pharaoh has given him; if anything should happen to it, Thut will lose his eyes and tongue. Meanwhile, in our world, Lord Carnaby conducts an archaeological dig and finds something unique: an Egyptian royal wedding ring! Thut must go to the human world to retrieve it. He is accompanied by Sekhem, his 12-year-old brother, with his pet crocodile, and Nefer. Together they will live a great adventure in modern London and discover something they never planned on: falling in love.