The Diplomat
One of the few references to Spanish foreign policy in candidate Ramón Tamames’ speech in the censure motion was to Gibraltar, “the only European colony in the 21st century”, as he defined it.
According to Tamames, the Gibraltar situation is “a typical case of the Spanish government’s inferiority complex”, which “we cannot allow”.
The Vox candidate added that the problem is not waiting for an agreement with the European Union in relation to Brexit, but “a problem of national and European dignity”.
He insisted that “we must put an end to this situation” and that “27 countries of the Union demand an end to this European colony”, and stated that “it is intolerable that, in the meantime, capital is laundered, contraband and all kinds of illegal trafficking take place and we remain so happy, thinking that the fence is going to be removed so that this can be done in a big way”.