Until 21 May, the Fundación Casa de México presents the exhibition Luchadoras, mujeres en la colección del Museo Universitario Arte Contemporáneo (MUAC), comprising 46 works by 30 women artists from different generations and geographies. It includes works produced in media as diverse as painting, sculpture, drawing, photography, installation and video recordings.
The MUAC, part of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, houses the largest public collection of contemporary Mexican art in Latin America. This exhibition is an opening to other narratives based on sensibilities that have been erased, denied or demerited by the male aesthetic. In their pieces, the artists reflect on the complexity of inhabiting the female body, they make violence visible and question the constructions of gender identity.
The title of the exhibition pays homage to Lourdes Grobet and her famous series of photographs of wrestling, while at the same time proposing an allegory of the constant battles women face for equal opportunities and for reorienting the subject matter, spirit and expectations of culture. Curated by Pilar García, the exhibition takes a chronological tour from a gender perspective, which proposes to make visible and critically reflect on the history of Mexican art, from 1952 to the present day, taking as its starting point the production of women artists in modern and contemporary art.
This exhibition analyses the most recent history of Mexican art from a chronological perspective and from a gender perspective. The starting point is the production of women artists in modern and contemporary art who denounce violence against women, question their practices in the everyday world and challenge the traditional roles and spaces assigned to them.
Participating artists: Laura Anderson Barbata, Yolanda Andrade, Marcela Armas, Maris Bustamente, Mónica Castillo, Helen Escobedo, María Ezcurra, Claudia Fernández, Maya Goded, Lourdes Grobet, Silvia Gruner, Gabriela Gutiérrez Ovalle, Yolanda Gutiérrez, Graciela Iturbide, Magdalena Jitrik, Perla Krauze, Myra Landau, Magali Lara, María José de la Macorra, Teresa Margolles, Mónica Mayer, Martha Pacheco, Marta Palau, Dulce Pinzón, Carla Rippey, Graciela Sacco, Maruch Sántiz Gómez, Melanie Smith, Rafael Ortega, Sofía Táboas and Lorena Wolffer.