The Diplomat
The Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) is going to grant 32 million euros in subsidies to 68 Non-Governmental Development Organizations (NGDOs) to finance 88 development cooperation projects, mainly related to gender equality, food security and education.
According to the final resolution of the 2022 call for grants to NGDOs to carry out development cooperation projects, published last Friday, the AECID will grant a total of 31.857 million euros -four million more than in the 2021 call-, of which the Agency will contribute more than 3.5 million from its own budget. The rest will come from the social interest fund contributed voluntarily by taxpayers through the Social Purposes box of the Personal Income Tax and Corporate Income Tax.
This amount will be used to finance 88 projects of 68 non-governmental development organizations (NGDOs) in 28 partner countries, which have been selected from among 258 projects submitted by 163 civil society organizations. The maximum amount for each project will be 600,000 euros, with a maximum implementation period of two years.
More than ten organizations will receive at least one grant of 600,000 euros: Ayuda en Acción, Fundación Mujeres, Arquitectura sin Fronteras, Fundación Mundubat, Oxfam Intermón (two grants of 600,000 euros), Spanish Red Cross (two grants), Fundación Educación y Cooperación (EDUCO), Médicos del Mundo, Centro de Estudios Rurales y de Agricultura Internacional, Justicia Alimentaria, Fundación Ojos del Mundo, Federación de Asociaciones Medicus Mundi en España (FAMME) and Asociación Internacional de Ingeniería Sin Fronteras.
The subsidized proposals include three projects that will address the needs of the Sahrawi refugee population in Tindouf (Algeria) for an amount of 1.27 million euros, framed in the Humanitarian Strategy 2022-2023 of the AECID. Likewise, nine of the subsidized projects are aimed at education for development and global citizenship.
The geographical distribution of the projects is located in the countries of Central America, with a total of 21 projects; in the countries of the Arab World and Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, with 20 initiatives; 15 projects located in South America and nine projects to raise awareness of development cooperation for citizenship in Spain. The sectors on which these NGDO initiatives are mostly focused are gender equality and women’s empowerment (34 projects), food security and the fight against hunger (17 initiatives) and inclusive, equitable and quality education (16 projects).