Author: Óscar Alzaga.
The Asociación de Periodistas Europeos and the Fundación Diario Madrid present this evening at 7 p.m. at the headquarters of the Fundación Diario Madrid (Calle Larra, 14) the book La conquista de la transición (1960-1978), by Óscar Alzaga Villaamil.
This work has its origins in the author’s concern about an event that occurred at the beginning of the transition: certain figures from Franco’s regime, who held key positions in the first UCD government, gave orders to burn practically all the documentation kept in the police archives of the Guardia Civil and other bodies that had been responsible for the repression of the dictatorship. This made it difficult for historians to understand the real dialectic that unfolded between those who supported Franco’s regime and those who made it inevitable, on Franco’s death, to take over a democracy inspired by European models.
The author of this book, who had been involved in the democratic opposition to Franco’s regime since he was a young university student and had suffered various sanctions, considered it his moral duty to reconstruct the historical truth he had experienced.
This work was written to reveal the facts that led to the reconciliation of the two Spains, based on the voluminous documentation kept by the author and on the consultation of various archives of opponents of the dictatorship, sources to which is added a detailed review of the national and foreign press of that period. Thus, after nearly ten years of meticulous work, the result is this history of the conquest of the transition, in which everything written is based not only on the author’s own experiences, but especially on writings that survived the burning.
Participating in the presentation will be Francisco Aldecoa, president of the Federal Council of the European Movement; Carlos Bru, jurist and politician; Cristina Gallach, special commissioner for the Alliance for the New Economy of Language; Natalia Escalada, Madrid Press Association, and Óscar Lazaga, author of the book. The talk will be moderated by journalist Miguel Ángel Aguilar.
Pages: 589
Binding: Soft cover
ISBN: 9788413811567
RPP: 19 euros