The Diplomat
Acciona has been awarded a contract by Peru’s Private Investment Promotion Agency (Proinversión) to design, finance, build, operate and maintain an electricity transmission network that will serve 1.3 million people in the Cajamarca, Lambayeque and Tumbes regions in the north of the country for the next 30 years.
The contract consists of two projects, the 220 kilovolt (kV) Reque-Nueva Carhuaquero link, with associated substations, lines and extensions; and the 220/60 kV-75 megavolt ampere (MVA) Nueva Tumbes substation, together with the 60 kV Nueva Tumbes-Tumbes line, with investment in both works amounting to 37 million euros.
The first link will enable the transmission capacity between the towns of Chiclayo and Cajamarca to be increased by 300 megavolt-amperes in addition to the existing 150, through a new link that will benefit 1.1 million people.
In this way, it will be possible to meet the increase in electricity demand in the northern region (Cajamarca and Lambayeque) and will facilitate an interconnection between Peru and Ecuador by strengthening the electricity exchange with the neighbouring country.
The second project, which will benefit a further 246,000 people, will prevent overloading at the old Zorritos substation, covering the projected growth in electricity demand in the area over the next 15 years.
Acciona has been present in Peru since 1998 and has developed various projects in the water treatment sector, such as the Talara desalination plant, the La Chira wastewater treatment plant and the Arequipa wastewater treatment plant.
It is also in charge of water management in Lima for Sedapal and has undertaken major construction projects such as the Daniel Alcides Carrión hospital and the Pucallpa prison.
It is also involved in Peru’s mining sector through the construction of a pumping system for the copper ore processing plant of the Antamina project in the province of Huari.
Earlier this year, Acciona Energy announced its first project in Peru, with the construction of the 131.1 megawatt (MW) San Juan de Marcona wind farm in the department of Ica.Acciona wins its first electricity grid concession in Peru with works worth 55 million euros.