Rabbi and academic Dalia Marx, author of the book A través del año judío (Through the Jewish Year), presents her book this evening at 18:00 at the Centro Sefarad-Israel. Admission is free, prior confirmation at this link.
This work is the first book published by the Sifrei Kódesh publishing house and the first work to be published in Spanish by Dalia Marx, the rabbi and academic noted for her research into Tefillah -Jewish prayer-, and author of the new prayer book of the Reform Movement in Israel, the first to incorporate a deep and broad gender perspective.
Through the Jewish Year is a journey through the annual Hebrew calendar, its festivals, rituals and traditions, which rescues the scents and flavours of each of the twelve months, with a renewed and courageous gaze. Although this is a rigorous and precise book in its content, it is warm and accessible to read. It is a plural work, in which academic, literary and rabbinical voices coexist with historical, cultural or religious, and even intimate and personal views.
Dalia Marx traces the origins of the celebrations, both in the tradition of the people of Israel and in other cultures, from which Judaism absorbed texts, myths and rituals. And he enriches academic and historical research with poems and prayers written in our own day. Along these interpretative paths, he explores traditional and canonised Jewish sources, such as the Hebrew Bible, the Mishnah and the Talmud, delves into the most fascinating corners of mysticism and rescues forgotten or little-known texts that contribute to enriching our view of what is Jewish and the experience of this millenary culture.