The event takes place next Sunday 16th October at 11.30 am at the Auditorio Nacional de Música in Madrid. The Fundación Excelentia presents an exceptional Gala of Zarzuela with a selection of the most famous works of this genre, such as Luisa Fernanda, Doña Francisquita, La del manojo de rosas, La tabernera del Puerto, El Gato Montés and many more…
With the soprano Ruth Terán, the tenor Miguel Borrallo and the baritone Manuel Mas, with Francisco Pérez Sánchez at the piano, you will be able to listen to pieces such as “Bella enamorada” from El último romántico, by R. Soutullo and J. Vert; “Un tiempo fue” from Jugar con fuego, by F. A. Barbieri; “Déjame besar tu mano generosa” from La Dolorosa, by J. Serrano; “Canción del Ruiseñor” and “Por el humo se sabe” from Doña Francisquita, by A. Vives; “De España vengo” from El Niño Judio, by P. Luna or “No puede ser” from La Tabernera del puerto, by P. Sorozábal.
Tickets can be purchased at this link or by calling 91 4574061 / 91 4583089 or sending an email to