The Diplomat
The Council of Ministers yesterday authorized two voluntary contributions of 450,000 euros to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in the current context of the Russian invasion in Ukraine.
In accordance with its priorities, Spain regularly makes voluntary contributions to various international organizations, programs and funds and other international entities dedicated to the defense and promotion of human rights, the strengthening of international peace and security and the fight against international terrorism and crime. Due to the prolongation of Russia’s military aggression on Ukraine, requests are emerging in international forums for extraordinary financial support for new needs arising as a result of the war and which are not covered by the regular budget of international organizations.
Through this agreement, the Council of Ministers authorizes a voluntary contribution of 250,000 euros to the IAEA, the agency responsible for the “development of peaceful uses of nuclear energy, including its medical, agricultural, industrial and environmental applications”, as well as for ensuring that nuclear materials and facilities are used exclusively for peaceful purposes. According to the Government, Russian military aggression against Ukraine poses a risk to physical and technological security and safeguards of facilities in Ukraine. “The IAEA has since the beginning of the crisis been noted for its active role in ensuring the safety and safeguards of nuclear facilities in Ukraine, seeking to identify areas in which it could provide technical assistance to Ukraine,” the Executive said. The Director General of the IAEA, the Argentine Rafael Mariano Grossi, visited the country to assess the situation.
On the other hand, Spain will make a voluntary contribution of 200,000 euros to the OPCW, whose director general is the Spaniard Fernando Arias and whose main tasks are to ensure the eradication of chemical weapons and to promote the use of chemistry for peaceful purposes. In the context of allegations about the use of chemical substances and agents in Russia’s military aggression on Ukraine, the Permanent Representation of Ukraine to the OPCW, as a State Party, has requested assistance and protection against the use of chemical weapons by Russia under Article X of the Chemical Weapons Convention. This assistance would consist in the provision of protective equipment, portable tents with the capacity to house infrastructure and technical equipment, vehicles with decontamination systems or protective suits, among others.