Author: Jesús A. Martínez.
This book, by Jesús A. Martínez, Professor of Contemporary History at the Complutense University and Professor of History at the Association of Industrial Engineers of Madrid (AIIM), is a history of Spain from 1898 to the present day. On that date, on the occasion of the colonial disaster in the imperialist Europe of the time, contemporaries recurrently asked themselves the question “What is Spain?”, searching for its meaning as a nation and its role in the world.
Since then, Spain’s history has not been a permanent exception in the history of Europe, but it has had its singularities and anomalies that need to be located, measured and interpreted. And perhaps that question, under very different current conditions, is still relevant. The past does not resolve the present, but it helps to interpret it better. Spain today is a complex and difficult time that requires different and more appropriate perspectives to understand its reality, far from interested media, political or ideological focuses. It is possible that the answers can be found by looking in the rear-view mirror, by looking, questioning and investigating the last 120 years of its history.
Pages: 400
Publisher: CÁTEDRA
Binding: Soft cover
ISBN: 9788437643663
RPP: 16,62 euros