Until the 4th of June, Casa Asia is screening at CaixaForum Madrid (Paseo del Prado, 36) six titles from Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Hong Kong, Japan, Iran and India, a very extensive geography through which the spectator can travel and get to know the domestic and daily life of its protagonists. Produced between 2018 and 2021, these are productions that cannot be forgotten like the films programmed for this exhibition. The programme can be consulted on this website.
The main objective of this film programme is to bring Asian auteur cinema to the public, a cinema that is beginning to be present in commercial circuits, but only in a very selective way. In this way, the aim is to connect the cultures of this vast continent by means of an instrument as effective as cinema, understood as an unsurpassable means of communication. Through commonly shared narratives and the exploration of diversity, as well as the collective and personal experiences that can be rescued for transmission, contact with other cultures finds an exceptional place in the cinema.