Casa Árabe is taking part with its Librería Balqís in the literary event at the Madrid Book Fair, which this year celebrates its 81st edition. It is also organising a parallel programme of activities in its garden: The Thousand and One Nights of the Book Fair at Casa Árabe.
At stand number 83, located on the Paseo de Coches in the Retiro Park, Casa Árabe and the Librería Balqís are offering, in addition to the institution’s publications, a selection of the latest books published in Spain by Arab and Islamic authors and/or on Arab and Islamic themes. As they do every year, several authors will be signing at their stand. Check the Casa Árabe website for the list of signatories.
Once the stands close, a programme of activities including parades, music, poetry and oral narration, The Thousand and One Nights of the Book Fair at Casa Árabe, awaits in the garden in front of the Retiro (c/ Alcalá, 62 and c/ O’Donnell, 1). All the information is available at this link.