As part of the exhibition Seeing Auschwitz, this evening at 7 p.m. Centro Sefarad-Israel presents the educational exhibition Del olvido al recuerdo (From Oblivion to Remembrance), on the origins and work of the National Fund of the Republic of Austria for the Victims of National Socialism, with an inaugural lecture by its secretary-general Hannah Lessing. The event can be followed online at this link.
The transmission of historical memory to the younger generation is a contribution to a future in which dictatorship, racism and anti-Semitism should have no place. It was with this in mind that the National Fund of the Republic of Austria for the Victims of National Socialism was established in 1995, on the 50th anniversary of the Second Republic, a belated acknowledgement of its own responsibility towards the victims. Around 30,000 Austrian survivors worldwide, regardless of the reason for their persecution, have since received financial restitution. In the future, the recognition and support of survivors will continue to be a central task of the National Fund, as will counselling for victims of National Socialism and their families.
To open the exhibition, Hannah Lessing, Secretary General of the Austrian National Fund for Victims of National Socialism, will give a lecture in which she will discuss the work of the Austrian National Fund for Victims of National Socialism in the field of reparations for victims and education for future generations. In addition, Lessing will explain the projects that Austria is developing with regard to the recovery of the memory of the victims of the Holocaust. Admission is free, subject to confirmation via this link.