The virtual colloquium The Land of Joy: una zarzuela de ida y vuelta, recovering the Anglo-Spanish operetta that triumphed in New York in 1917, is now available on the YouTube channel of the Fundación España-EE.UU. for deferred viewing. In that colloquium you can discover the process of recovery and adaptation of this unique piece and its link with the phenomenon of Spanish emigration to the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries is revealed by the main people involved in the project.
This meeting, which had the collaboration of the Fundación Municipal de Cultura de Oviedo, served as a preamble to the first performance in Spain of this zarzuela in a unique concert that will take place tomorrow 12 February at 8 pm at the Teatro Campoamor in Oviedo, as part of the Off Zarzuela programme of the XXIX edition of the prestigious Festival de Teatro Lírico Español de Oviedo, and will close the programme of parallel activities that have accompanied the exhibition Emigrantes invisibles. Spaniards in the USA. (1868 – 1945) during their passage through Asturias.