The Diplomat
The Elcano Royal Institute has launched a new technological platform with the aim of “enhancing its international projection and promoting the transparency of the organization”.
The new platform, which encompasses the Institute’s digital assets (the Elcano Web, the Elcano Blog and the Elcano Specials), has “a renewed, simple and clear design” that will allow users to “access information quickly and easily, regardless of the device they use,” the Think Tank said in a press release.
The organization of the topics has been designed in relation to the ten axes of the Institute’s Research Agenda and has new multimedia content and audiovisual formats, as well as streaming of the Institute’s activities. It also has a new search engine using keywords and filters (by type of content, author, subject and time period) “that will facilitate document searches”. The website is available in Spanish and English.
“With this platform, the Elcano Royal Institute wants to boost its digital presence with the aim of enhancing its international projection, promote the transparency of the organization, improve the user experience, serve their needs for information and analysis, and maximize the capacity for communication, dissemination and impact,” said the organization. “Through its new website, the Elcano Royal Institute makes visible its contribution to the analysis of global challenges and their governance, the international reality and the role of Spain in the world,” it added.