This afternoon at 5 p.m., Fundación FAES continues with the second session of the FAES Project China and Great Power Rivalry in Latin America: repercussions for Spain, this time dealing with China’s geopolitical objectives in LATAM and the ‘diplomacy of vaccines’.
Today’s event will feature the ambassador for Hybrid Threats and Cybersecurity of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nicolás Pascual de la Parte (in the photo); ABC columnist and commentator for Radio Pauta de Chile, John Müller, and the professor of International Relations at the School of Global Studies at Boston University, Jorge Heine, moderated by Mira Milosevich, of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees and coordinator of the project. This new online meeting can be followed live on FAES’ website.
There are two main geostrategic objectives that underpin the relationship between China and Latin America. The first, common to China and all Latin American countries, is to diversify their foreign relations as much as possible. The second, shared by China and the countries with the most strained relations with the US, is to reduce their dependence on their traditional partners in order to boost multilateralism and counter Washington’s dominant position. A key factor is that China and most Latin American countries have a much more similar conception of sovereignty than the more interventionist positions of traditional powers. The aim of this seminar is to study China’s main geopolitical aims in LATAM and to analyse how they fit into the geopolitical objectives of the EU and the US.