Until the 18th of March, Casa de México presents the film series Héroes de carne y hueso, dedicated to the wrestling films that have been so successful in Mexico since the 50’s. In those years, Mexico brought to the big screen the greatest wrestling idols known in the ring.
In those years, Mexico brought to the big screen the greatest idols known in the ring, but this time and with the help of the cameras, they will look more amazing, with fantastic athletic bodies and fast movements. Considered as a film genre, over the years the wrestling films have become the most important film legend in Mexico, and even today it is still a topic that gives much to talk about among different generations and countries around the world.
Wrestling in that country has had an undeniable transcendence, because beyond being a sport, popular fanaticism turned it into a social phenomenon, in which good is fought against evil. In which all kinds of adventures take place: saving the world from mad scientists, fighting monsters, vampires, mummies and aliens, rescuing beautiful ladies in distress or having some famous comedian as battle companions. The full schedule can be found here.