Author: Ariana Neumann.
In Cuando el tiempo se detuvo (When Time Stopped), Ariana Neumann narrates her father’s journey to survive the Holocaust. The book comes to Spain for the first time through Nagrela Editores and will be presented at Centro Sefarad-Israel on Monday 18 October at 19:00.
In her new book, Ariana Neumann tells the story of her father, the details of which she learned after his death when she found an identity document with Hans Neumann’s photo but with a different name. This is the first clue about a man who never spoke about his past. Ariana sets out on a search throughout Europe. Her big find is the discovery of her father’s shocking memoirs written forty years after he fled occupied Prague to hide, under a false identity, in the epicentre of Nazi power: Berlin.
Pages: 272
Binding: Soft cover
ISBN: 9788412378023
RPP: 20,90 euros