The 80th Madrid Book Fair is being held in the Parque de El Retiro until September 26th and the Embassy of the Dominican Republic has prepared a numerous agenda of special activities to highlight and promote Dominican literature in Spain.
To begin with, on Tuesday at 12 noon, and in collaboration with the Biblioteca Nacional of Spain, the master conference Marcio Veloz Maggiolo: life and work, to be given by the Dominican ambassador to UNESCO, Andrés L. Mateo, will be held in the Salón de Actos. Admission to this event is free, by completing the registration form that can be found on the Library’s website. Also tomorrow at 19:00 hours, the children’s story Valentina Dreams of Animals, by the Honduran writer Atena Hernández and the Dominican illustrator Taína Almodóvar, will be presented at the Pabellón Infantil of the Fair. This activity is carried out in conjunction with the Embassy of Honduras.
On Friday 17 September at 12 noon, the book Plenitud de España y otros escritos, by Pedro Henríquez Ureña, will be presented at the Residencia de Estudiantes in Madrid (Calle del Pinar 21), with the participation of historian Consuelo Naranjo. Likewise, on Monday 20 September, the book Escribir otra isla, by the Spanish Eva Guerrero, the Chilean Fernanda Bustamante and the Dominican Néstor E. Rodríguez, will be presented at 12.30 p.m. in the Pabellón Caixa Bank del Parque El Retiro.
Also on Tuesday 21 September at 11 a.m. at the Biblioteca Eugenio Trías of the Parque El Retiro, the conference La sociedad dominicana en la poesía de Norberto James (Dominican society in the poetry of Norberto James) will be given by the publisher Miguel D. Mena, the writer Frank Báez and with the participation of the ambassador Juan Bolívar Díaz (in the photo). At 7.30pm, the literary and musical gala Dominican Texts in the Voice of the Diaspora will be presented at the Centro Cultural Casa de Vacas, with the participation of Dominican writers Virginia Read Escobar, Doris Araujo, Lilian Nuñez, Roberto García, Marielys Duluc, Norberto Azor, Maribel Salcié, Doquisa Olivares, Juan Carlos Sánchez y González, the young Dominican singer Lisbel Francisco and the Spanish pianist Daniel Oriza. Finally, on Thursday 23 September at 6 p.m. in the Pabellón Caixa Bank del Parque El Retiro, the second edition of the book La comunidad dominicana en España (The Dominican community in Spain), by Amín Arias Garabito, will be presented. All these activities are free entry until full capacity is reached.