The Diplomat
The Council of Ministers yesterday approved the creation of a non-refundable line of financing from the Fund for the Internationalisation of Companies (FIEM) for studies within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan for an amount of 50 million euros for the period 2021-2023.
The aim of this line is to offer financing linked to feasibility studies, technical assistance, sectoral plans, consultancy, engineering, and any other study that allows the detection, definition and improvement of projects of interest for the internationalisation of Spanish companies.
The beneficiaries of this line will mainly be public agents and, exceptionally, private entities may be beneficiaries, when the need to grant this aid is duly justified. Priority will be given to studies carried out in African and Asian countries.
The government stresses that the financing of feasibility studies, technical assistance and consultancy services facilitates the export of high value-added services. It also points out that the export spillover is immediate for the consultancy firm that carries out the contract, citing as other indirect effects the possibility of executing new contracts, or the awarding of the project derived from the financed study.
On the other hand, the financing of feasibility studies, consultancy and technical assistance is a mechanism that allows for the detection and discovery of projects, potential opportunities for other Spanish companies that could execute them, according to the government.