The Diplomat
The EU’s High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, has appointed 21 new posts to the European External Action Service (EEAS), including three Spaniards.
Two of the Spaniards –Amador Sánchez Rico and Javier García de Viedma will head EU delegations in Argentina and Paraguay, respectively, and the third –Belén Martínez Carbonell– will be the new Director General for Human Rights and Global and Multilateral Affairs.
Amador Sánchez Rico, the new ambassador in Buenos Aires, was the head of the EEAS Department of Strategic Communication and Public Diplomacy since the arrival in the post of Josep Borrell, under whom he was also director general of Communication and Diplomatic Information, while the former was at the head of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, between September 2018 and October 2019.
Sánchez Rico is an official of the European External Action Service, and has held, among other positions, those of political advisor to the Communication and Public Diplomacy Section at the EU Embassy in Mexico and at the EU Embassy to the United Nations, as well as having been geographic responsible for West Africa in the European Commission, and spokesperson for the Vice-Presidency of the Commission.
Javier García de Viedma, who will take charge of the Embassy in Asunción, is currently the Spanish Ambassador to Kenya and was Director of the United Nations in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Finally, Belén Martínez Carbonell, appointed Director General for Human Rights and Global Affairs at the EEAS, was until now Director of Human Resources at the EEAS, where she also held the post of Head of Division in the Department of Political Affairs.