The Spanish Embassy in Belgium, in collaboration with the ULB, is organising a seminar on 11 March at 10 a.m. under the title Children of the war in Belgium: History of a model of reception.
This seminar is part of the agenda of the commemorations of the One Hundred Years of the Spanish Embassy in Belgium and the Belgian Embassy in Spain, and takes on a very significant place, as it will allow us to express our gratitude to the Belgian people for the reception of these Spanish children. The aim is to deepen our knowledge of this model of fostering solidarity that Belgian society has been involved in. At the forefront of this reception were Belgian political parties, institutions and organisations, but above all, those Belgian families who generously opened their homes to these children. For obvious health reasons, this seminar will be broadcast online. Please find attached the programme and the connection modalities (click on the link “Registration” to be able to follow it in streaming). For more information, click on this link.