The Diplomat
The former deputies José María Beneyto (PP) and Juan Moscoso (PSOE), together with the director of Esglobal, Cristina Manzano, are among the main promoters of the recently created Association of Spanish Foreign Policy (APEE).
APEE’s main objective is to contribute to the study and analysis of Spanish foreign policy, promoting academic studies, publications and meetings of national and international experts, according to its declaration of intent.
The Association also seeks to create a network of diplomats and civil servants, businessmen and executives, specialists in foreign trade and institutional relations, journalists and politicians, military and experts in security and geopolitics, as well as think tanks, professors and researchers, involved in Spanish foreign policy.
Therefore, representatives of all these sectors will be part of the Board of Directors, and the Association will have as honorary members former Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Defense and former European Commissioners.
The APEE intends to contribute with its work to consensus and understanding on the main lines of Spain’s actions abroad in order to configure it as a State policy, without excluding legitimate political confrontation. Therefore, one of its hallmarks will be its condition of “transpartisan”, counting in its management bodies and among its members with a representation as pluralistic and diverse as possible”.
The Association has organized its first public event today, in collaboration with the Royal University Institute of European Studies of the CEU San Pablo University, to discuss the new External Action Strategy, which has just been sent by the Government to Parliament.
The event, which will take place at five in the afternoon online and, after a presentation by Manuel Muñiz, State Secretary for Global Spain, will be attended by José María Beneyto, President of the APEE and Professor of International Public Law; Diego López Garrido, Vice-President of the APEE and Professor of Constitutional Law; and Cristina Manzano.