Intense week of cultural events at Casa Mediterráneo, which will begin tomorrow Tuesday at 8.55 am with a storytelling session by the writer Raquel López, from the IES Miguel Hernández (Alicante) entitled Mitos del Mediterráneo, relatos que traspasan fronteras (online). Myths, threads that unite past, present and future.
The following day, Wednesday at 19:00, the conference El Mediterráneo, ¿un mar de plástico? will be presented by Carmen Morales Caselles, researcher at the Department of Biology of the University of Cadiz, in which one of the most pressing challenges facing the Mediterranean Sea will be analysed: pollution by microplastics and other types of waste, with an emphasis on their concentration, behaviour and spatial distribution.
Finally, on Friday 5 February, the first part of the documentary Algèria, el meu país. Història i memòria de l’emigració valenciana a Orà i Alger (in the photo), which will be presented by its director, the journalist Juli Esteve, the co-author of the book Els valencians d’Algèria (1830-1962), Àngela-Rosa Menaches, and the Consul General of Spain in Oran, Álvaro Vermoet. The documentary brings the viewer closer through its frames to the intense and long-lasting relationship that Valencian families from different regions, from La Safor to the Vega Baja, maintained in Algeria, where over a century they emigrated for various reasons such as fleeing poverty, the search for better opportunities or, in a final wave, the departure from a Spain devastated by the Civil War. More information on the website of the cultural centre.