Polish theatre director Maja Kleczewska arrives at Réplika Teatro (calle de la Explanada, 14) with Salvadas on 20 and 21 March.
Salvadas is a monodrama about the brutal violence suffered by women in the Zieleniak transit camp, Warsaw, in 1944, at the hands of the RONA unit of the SS, a work that honors the memory of forgotten heroines.
In this work, Irena K., after eighty years of silence, breaks this to revive her voice and honor those. So, Salvadas is a real story that happened in the middle of the 20th century. In the center of Europe. In Poland. In Warsaw. In a transit camp in Zieleniak, women were raped en masse. No one knows exactly how many. Hundreds? Thousands? No one knows their names or surnames. The perpetrators are known: the SS unit RONA (Russkaja Oswoboditielnaja Armija), formed mainly by deserters who had fled from the Red Army; devils covered in jam, with clocks, drinking vodka from milk cans, with stolen shirts and rifles in ristre. They chose their victims at night, using torches. Screams, moans, groans, a bunch of bloated bodies; then silence and more silence. The heroine of the play -Irena K. from Opaczewska street- regains her voice after eighty years of silence. It will gather all its forces to tell its story and restore the memory of the unknown heroines who were murdered in August 1944 at the Zieleniak in Warsaw.
The character of Irena K. is played by Agnieszka Przepiórska, actress from the Theatre Juliusz Słowacki in Kraków, considered by the theatrical critics as a master of monodramas and repeatedly awarded by them. The script was written by Piotr Rowicki. The play was directed by Maja Kleczewska, a professional associate of theatres in Krakow, Warsaw, Hamburg and Ljubljana, among others.
The premiere in Spain of Salvadas was made possible by the collaboration of the Instituto Polaco de Cultura and the Festival Ellas Crean and the support of the Instituto Adam Mickiewicz of Poland as part of the international cultural programme of the Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union 2025. Tickets can be purchased at this link.