<h6><strong>Eduardo González</strong></h6> <h4><strong>The People’s Parliamentary Group has asked the Government that “any decision” that affects Spain’s position on Ukraine, the transatlantic link or the commitments with NATO “be debated and approved by a majority in the Congress”.</strong></h4> In a Non-Law Proposal (PNL) presented on February 27 for debate in plenary, the People’s Group states that Russia’s aggression against Ukraine is one of the greatest challenges facing the international order based on rules, “established by the international community after the Second World War with the aim of guaranteeing peace and security”. In these three years, it continues, “the courage of the Ukrainian people has been exemplary, and their resistance has been possible thanks to the firmness of the political, military and financial support mainly from the European Union and the United States” and, therefore, “the international response has been key to sustaining Ukraine’s struggle”. “In short, the European Union has understood that supporting Ukraine also means strengthening its own security, just as defending Ukraine's values means protecting the fundamental principles on which the Union is based,” it continues. The Atlantic Alliance “has been the main pillar of security for Europe since its foundation more than seven decades ago” and, therefore, “reaffirming our commitment to NATO is not only a strategic issue, but a necessity to guarantee stability and the defence of our values in an increasingly uncertain international environment,” says the PNL. “In this context, the approaches of the new US administration to resolve the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine represent a significant challenge to European stability,” recalls the PP. “A lasting peace can only be achieved through fair negotiations, in which neither the European Union nor Ukraine are excluded or pressured to accept imposed agreements,” but, “at the same time, Spain and Europe must maintain and strengthen the transatlantic relationship with the United States, our strongest ally, ensuring that any solution to the war respects both Ukrainian sovereignty and the principles and security of the European continent,” warns the Popular Group. “Spain, within the framework of the EU, must continue its firm commitment to the territorial integrity of Ukraine, ensuring its alignment with the common European position and must commit to preserving and strengthening transatlantic cooperation, through the fulfillment of our commitments to our allies,” it continues. For all these reasons, the PNL urges the Government to “reaffirm Spain’s commitment to the territorial integrity and full sovereignty of Ukraine” and to defend the involvement of the European Union and Ukraine “in any negotiation related to ending the war of Russian aggression.” The PP also calls on the Executive to support the position of the European Union and, at the same time, to defend “the transatlantic link within the respect between all its components, key in the relations between the United States, Canada and Europe”, and to comply “with the commitments acquired by Spain with the Atlantic Alliance regarding investment in Defence as soon as possible”. Finally, the PP urges the Government of Pedro Sánchez to “guarantee that any decision that affects Spain's position in relation to the war in Ukraine, the transatlantic link or the commitments with the Atlantic Alliance is debated and approved by a majority in the Congress”.