The Diplomat
In 2025, the Government will allocate almost 2.3 million euros to institutions that care for elderly Spaniards living abroad, which represents an increase of 3.6 percent compared to the previous year.
This is clear from the call for aid corresponding to the Program for the Elderly and Dependents, dependent on the General Directorate of Spanish Citizenship Abroad and Return Policies.
These subsidies aim to improve the living conditions of elderly and dependent Spaniards abroad by supporting social centers, day centers and senior residences. Entities that care for Spaniards living abroad without sufficient means to support themselves will be eligible for these grants.
The grants will be financed from the budgetary credit provided for in the General State Budget in a state of extension for 2025. The maximum amount will be 2,281,070 euros, from the Expenditure Budget of the State Secretariat for Migration of the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration. The amount of the grant may not exceed 100,000 euros per entity.
The resolution of the call was signed on February 20 and was published this Wednesday by the Official State Gazette. Institutions that wish to benefit from the program have fifteen working days to request the aid. The execution period of the subsidized programs will be from the date of the resolution of the granting of the grant until March 31, 2026.