On Sundays 2 and 9 March at 8.30 pm, the Teatro del Barrio (calle Zurita, 20) presents the play Las piscinas de la Barceloneta, directed, written and performed by the actor Secun de la Rosa. Tickets can be purchased at this link.
In the marked personality and style of the dramaturgy of Secun de la Rosa, the bittersweet of its characters, almost always losers in struggle with their emotions or their vital and social situation, turns their stories, always contemporary, in a poetic reflection of the difficulties to relate, mature and live in our days, mixing that problematic with elements of comedy, sensitivity towards their characters, and a very colloquial language. His proposals have placed him as one of the playwrights most to be considered today.
In Las piscinas de la Barceloneta, we tell how Sebastián Alonso Roca Sebastián Alonso Roca, a middle-aged man who is going through a crucial moment in his life, comes to an event organized by the neighborhood association to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of his neighborhood, one of those neighborhoods created to host the immigrant population exchange in the outskirts of Barcelona in the 70s. His memories take him back to the summer of ’77, the longest and most intense of his life, when this son of workers, fanciful and guilty, in a context of political, neighborhood and trade union struggles, knows the Salt Pool. And he begins to be fascinated by this free, magical, decadent environment in which a gallery of characters and events draw him a new world: the first LGTBI manifestation, the law of social dangerousness, the survivors of the prisons of the franquism, To form families and collectives to protect themselves, the first libertarian days and the summer of anarchy, activists and poets, counterculture, locals and artists of El Paralelo, cabareteros and exaggerated, whores, faggots and transvestists. What begins as an anecdotal summer becomes the greatest adventure of his life.