Author: F. Javier Sanabria Valderrama.
The book Estampas neoyorquinas y otras postales desvaídas (New York prints and other postcards) brings together a series of heterogeneous columns, which correspond to the diplomatic destinies that its author, F. Javier Sanabria Valderrama, has had abroad. Its epicenter is New York, in the years 2013 and 2014.
Childhood and youth are summed up in fragmentary flashes like the movies that, according to fame, illuminate the transits from this world to the other. The postcards that precede the New York snapshots have been chiseled with material taken from memory sheets. The following ones were written in Poland. “All of them make up an album of memories and evocations that want to pay tribute to those Spanish people and other nationalities, whose admirable example has shown me the way throughout these years, says Francisco Javier Sanabria in the preface, although their names, with few exceptions, are not on these pages.”
This is a book of impressions, images, sounds and aromas, among which some other reasoning aroused by the professional peripecia of the author slips.
Francisco Javier Sanabria Valderrama was born in Calatayud (Zaragoza). Lived in San Ignacio, Bilbao, son of a city official and school teacher. Studied at the Colegio Alemán-San Bonifacio and studied law at Deusto. He has been a diplomat since 1988.
Pages: 130
Publisher: Cuadernos del Laberinto
Binding: Soft cover
ISBN: 9788418997587
RPP: 16,15 euros