This afternoon at 7 pm, Centro Casa Asia-Madrid (calle Mayor, 69) organizes the round table The new Trump administration and Asia-Pacific. Free activity upon registration.
Trump’s first term introduced a new way of doing politics in which the management of social media counted for much. It also broke with some traditional assumptions about allies, rivals and the way of understanding economic relations.
His second term will begin in a more chaotic world than the one that existed in 2016: The Russian invasion of Ukraine, to which North Korea has just joined, a Xi Jinping who has just started an unusual third term, a Middle East in full recomposition, India is becoming increasingly relevant…
At this round table, three experts from the region will discuss what the new Trump administration’s approach to Asia-Pacific might be. Will we see a new strategy or a re-edition of the old? And if so, will it be enough to cope with an increasingly complicated geopolitical situation?
The event will be attended by Emilio de Miguel, Ambassador of Spain, expert on Asian issues, director of the Centro Casa Asia-Madrid; Pedro Rodríguez, journalist, analyst and professor of International Relations. Correspondent for the ABC newspaper in Washington for twenty years, and Gracia Abad, professor of international relations at the Department of Law and International Relations at Universidad Antonio de Nebrija.