Author: José María Beneyto.
Coinciding with the centenary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the country has set itself the goal of becoming the hegemonic power by 2050. In the face of this power struggle, how are the US reacting? Can the world escape from the conflict between an emerging and an established geopolitical force? What role does the European Union play here?
This book takes the debate on the Tucidides trap as a starting point and goes further, examining China’s strategy to become a world leader and offering a unique perspective on Europe’s position.
José María Beneyto, a lawyer and writer specializing in international relations, reviews the recent history and character of the Asian country, a character that has been forged in the shadow of the figure of the emperor and under the banner of communism.
To understand both the phenomenon of its rise and the global consequences it entails, Beneyto analyzes the strengths and weaknesses geostrategic and geopolitical of the three major world power blocs, and explores the possible evolution of their relationships by reviewing each other’s capabilities and limitations.
War or peace? It deepens the challenge for the Western world of the rise of a country for which “there are no permanent allies or perpetual enemies”, and provides a detailed view of the dynamics between China, the US and Europe, Devoid of alarmism and with a pleasant and enlightened style. An essential reading for those seeking to understand how international relations will develop in the coming decades.
Pages: 296
Publisher: Deusto
Binding: Soft cover
ISBN: 9788423437825
RPP: 19,90 €