The Diplomat
The Ministers of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, and of the Presidency, Justice and Relations with the Courts, Félix Bolaños, chaired this Friday in Cadiz the fourth ministerial meeting of the Coalition of European Countries against Organized Crime, made up of Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Italy, the Netherlands and Sweden.
During the meeting, Fernando Grande-Marlaska and Félix Bolaños shared with their counterparts the experience of the Special Security Plan for Campo de Gibraltar, which they described as “a model of comprehensive action” against serious crime and drug trafficking and “an example of institutional coordination”, and explained the details of the special plan and its evolution since 2018.
In a joint statement, the seven countries have urged the European Commission to strengthen regional collaboration with Latin America, the Caribbean, the Western Balkans and Africa in the future Internal Security Strategy of the EU and to allocate “sufficient” funds to carry out this cooperation.
The text agreed in the capital of Cadiz also includes proposals to combat organised crime in the areas of prevention, money laundering, logistics centres and the exchange of information between security forces, according to the Ministries of the Interior and the Presidency in a statement.
The meeting was attended by the Ministers of Justice and Security of the Netherlands, David Van Weel; Sweden’s Minister of Justice, Gunnar Strömmer, and France’s Deputy Minister of the Interior, François-Noël Buffet.