Two photographic exhibitions La trenza and Preserving Instants, will be inaugurated at the Instituto Cultural de México (Carrera de San Jerónimo, 46) this next Monday, January 20 at 19 hours.
La trenza, by Mexican photographer Malena Díaz (Tlaxcala, 1972), is a tribute to all the life stories that are built around maize: those who sow it, those who sell it, those who buy it and those who consume it. This exhibition is a tribute to the guardians who care with devotion their fields, their families and everything that is woven through the food culture and millenary of Mesoamerica. It is a dream piece that manifests the artist’s relationship with the fields of milpa and corn. When a braid is woven, stories and ways of understanding life are articulated. In this way, the corn community is intertwined with seed exchanges, lunar cycles, ceremonies and thousands of years of information contained in a single grain of corn.
Preserving Instants, by the Mexican Johanna Elias (Mexico City, 1999), is a sample of digital photography in broad genres and directions. Images that invite active viewers. A moment when the darkroom and the conventional photo album have given way to scenes that reach the walls. It is precisely the sensitivity of Johanna Elias that gives peace and at the same time, moves to reflect on movement, emptiness, here and now… A link between man and nature. His intuition about the importance of the object in relation to the subject being portrayed gives life to photographs that, whether in color or grayscale, make the viewer vibrate.