On the occasion of the anniversary of the birth in Alcalá de Henares of the writer, journalist and president of the Second Spanish Republic Manuel Azaña (1880-1940), the Instituto Cervantes and the Foro of Henares promote the XII Conference on the life and work of Manuel Azaña, it is supported by the Secretariat of State for Democratic Memory, the Ministry of Territorial Policy and Democratic Memory.
Under the generic title of Letters to Manuel Azaña, will be held from 9 to 14 January 2025 in the Instituto Cervantes of alcalaína (calle Libreros, 23), four colloquia:
– 9 January: Lerroux, Jiménez and Prieto, with the poet and essayist Alfonso Alegre Heitzmann, the historian José Álvarez Junco and the professor and researcher Bruno Vargas.
– January 10: Unamuno, Valle-Inclán and Machado, with the former director of the Festival of the Word of Alcalá de Henares Jesús Cañete Ochoa, the writer and diplomat José María Ridao and the writer and journalist José Andrés Rojo.
– 13 January: Tenreiro, Pomès and Domenchina, with the translator and professor Carlos Fortea, the researcher and philologist Amelia de Paz and the translator Marta Sánchez-Nieves Fernández.
– 14 January: Hernández Saravia, Rivas Cherif and Kent, with the researcher and teacher Manuela Aroca Mohedano, the writer Carmen de la Guardia Herrero and the writer and journalist Isabelo Herreros.
In addition, on January 10, the Instituto Cervantes will receive a legacy in memory of Manuel Azaña in the Caja de las Letras. Luis García Montero, director of the Instituto Cervantes; José Manuel Albares Bueno, minister for foreign affairs, European Union and cooperation; Fernando Martínez López, Secretary of State for Democratic Memory at the Ministry of Territorial Policy and Democratic Memory; José Morilla, president of the Henares Forum; María José Navarro Azaña, niece of Manuel Azaña; and Isabelo Herreros, president of the Asociación Manuel Azaña. Seat reservation for the legacy in the Box of Letters at this link, and to follow the event online.