The Fundación Euroamerica will present on 12 December the XIII European Union Latin America seminar at the Spanish office of the European Parliament (Paseo de la Castellana, 46), with the aim of contributing to the effectiveness of the implementation of the European Directive on Due Diligence.
In June 2011, the UN Human Rights Council adopted the report Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Implementing the United Nations (UN) framework for “protect, respect and remedy”. While the UN has been the body that defined the framework of responsibilities in its initial definition, then actors such as the OECD, the ILO and especially the European Union are pushing for measures which will influence markets, Trade, investment and development model.
In December 2019, the European Commission adopted its new growth strategy, the European Green Deal, based on a set of key actions that will help the EU become a climate neutral continent by 2050, Make their society more resilient to the impacts of climate change, promote resource efficiency through a clean and circular economy, restore biodiversity and reduce pollution.
In this context, after the complex process of negotiation and agreement between EU governing bodies (Council, Parliament and Commission), the EU Sustainability Due Diligence Directive is finally adopted by the EU Parliament, It sets out the standards that companies operating and trading in the EU’s single market must meet to ensure respect for human rights and the environment in their own operations, and throughout their value chain.
In Latin America, there are also various developments of public policies and laws that different countries have promoted to respond to the global and individual challenges in terms of sustainability, especially with respect for human rights and the environment.
This seminar aims to organize a multi-stakeholder seminar that will provoke dialogue, reflection and debate, to identify the main challenges and opportunities they face, through joint actions from the public and private sectors, reflecting on the current context, challenges and opportunities in both regions, the changes in strategy that are considered to be necessary for companies in both regions to be effective in addressing the new economic and social challenges associated with a sustainable economy; how the regulation will affect multinational companies and SMEs.
The registration form and list of participants can be found at this link.