Tomorrow, Friday at 7 pm, the Instituto Cultural Rumano (Plaza del Cordón, 1, bottom right) will show the documentary film Romania: four countries, in original version subtitled to Spanish.
The film Romania: Four Countries, by Alexandru Solomon, is a documentary in which four great authors, Norman Manea, Florin Lăzărescu, Gabriela Adameșteanu and Mircea Cărtărescu, with different styles, share their vision about Romania, filtered by their own experiences and personal experiences.
Also, in the auditorium of the Institute, will proceed to the presentation of the book El coleccionista de las últimas palabras (Omen Ediciones, 2025), within the framework of ICR Madrid Recommended Library.
The book presentation will be attended by the translator of the book, Rafael Pisot, and the director of the publishing house, Oana Moșniagu. Please confirm your attendance by emailing or calling 917 589 566.
El coleccionista de las últimas palabras is an exquisite anthology that brings together 11 intense stories by some of the most important contemporary authors, Lucian Dan Teodorovici, Dan Lungu and Florin Lăzărescu. These three Romanian writers manage to give authenticity and vividness to situations and characters seemingly uninteresting, transforming them into literary jewels full of humanity.
Pages: 164
Publisher: Omen Ediciones
Binding: Velvet
ISBN: 9788412865639
RPP: 17,57 euros